Tromsø Geophysical Observatory Faculty of Science and Technology University of Tromsø,Norway.
Near Real-time Auroral Electrojet
Tracker (Beta)
The picture above shows the poleward
(red) and equatorward (green) boundaries of the Auroral Electrojet, and
thus the auroral oval, in the European sector as derived from
groundbased measurements of the geomagnetic field variation. This page
is updated every two minutes, the time stamp of the data used is
printed in the lower right corner of the picture. The data used is one
minute averages, meaning that the data is on average one minute old
when presented here.
We are
assuming a westward electrojet current in the dawn sector and an
eastward electrojet current in the dusk sector, these are identified by
the a minimum and a maximum in the magnetic field variation north-south
(x) component, respectively. The poleward and equatorward boundaries
are identified by the maximum and minimum in the magnetic field
variation vertical (z) component (a thorough description and
argumentation on this is under way).
Arrows represent the Magnetic Equivalent Convection (MEC), blue is
eastward and red is westward, the arrow lengths represent the magnitude
of the magnetic field variation. Assuming that the observed magnetic
field variations are caused by Hall-currents, the MEC direction should
be equvialent to the ionospheric F-region plasma convection.
The picture below shows the magnitude of the magnetic variaton (left)
(maximum variation in x-component) as seen by the TGO magnetometers and
the magnetic latitude of the observed maximum variation (right). In the
left plot, on the y-axis 0-8 corresponds linearly to 0 to 1500 nT and 8-10 corresponds linearly to 1500 - 3000 nT.
The Auroral Tracker is being developed
as part of AFFECTS.
AFFECTS - Advanced Forecast For Ensuring
Communications Through Space - is a space research project under the
7th Framework Programme of the European Union