Tromsø Geophysical Observatory

Faculty of Science and Technology
- the Arctic University of Norway

BACC #5 - Color All Sky Camera in Skibotn (TGO)

Updates every minute when the Sun is more than 10 degrees below the horizon,
time is given in UT, Local Time is UT + 1/2 during winter/summer

Camera: ZWO ASI174MC
Lens: F/1.4 Fisheye-Fujinon
Field of view: 185° Circular
Keogram: Magnetic meridian N-S (0-180 degrees)
Software: fredware
Location: The Skibotn Observatory (UiT), Norway

Visit the other Boreal Auroral Constellation Cameras (BACC) at the Kjell Henriksen Observatory.

BACC#5 is a collaboration with prof. Fred Sigernes at the Kjell Henriksen Obsevatory, University Centre in Svalbard (UNIS).
Go to TGO All-Sky camera page

Go to the TGO Skibotn All-Sky camera

Go to UiO All-Sky imager (operating during new moon only)

Go to TGO main page

Responsible editor: Magnar Gullikstad Johnsen