Tromsø Geophysical Observatory

Faculty of Science and Technology
- the Arctic University of Norway

TGO All-Sky Camera @ Skibotn Observatory

(updates every minute when the Sun is more than 2 degrees below the horizon, time is given in UT, Local Time is UT + 1/2 during winter/summer)

Last 24 hours from Telescope Encoder and Sky Sensor (TESS) instrument, read more here.
Natural unpolluted, starry sky corresponds to a magnitude of ca. 21.6. The Milky way is not visible for values below ca. 20.
TESS is part of the Stars4All project.

Responsible editor: Magnar Gullikstad Johnsen

Go to UiO all-sky imager (operating during new moon only)

Go to the Boreal Auroral Camera Constallation # 5 page

Go to TGO all-sky camera page

Go to TGO main page